Spelling Bee " Club de Ingles "



Making mistakes is a natural part of the language learning process. The key is to learn from these mistakes. Don't be afraid to try out new things in English but always remember to reflect on them and decide what was successful and what you need to keep working on.

Estimado padres de familia, reciban un caluroso saludo de parte del área de Inglés de la Escuela Alejandro Cárdenas, por medio de la presente me permito informarle de que se trata este club.

Es un grupo de estudio al cual su hijo/a pertenece, en dicho grupo tenemos como objetivo principal:

  • Fortalecer los conocimientos mediado las TIC
  • Incrementar nuevos.
  • Desarrollar : Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening
  • Participar en diferentes eventos a nivel interno, como externo (spelling, reading), si así lo amerita.

Para poder lograr este objetivo, nos vemos en la necesidad de incrementar las horas de estudio, las mismas que detallamos a continuación:


Para poder mantenerse en el grupo, el estudiante deberá cumplir con estos cinco puntos principales:

· Presentar firmada un acta de compromiso por parte del padre de familia.

· No descuidar su nivel en las otras materias.

· No faltar a ninguna de nuestras clases (días de proyecto)

· Compromiso, respeto, compañerismo.

· Cumplir con lo que se le exija que estudie.

"The methodology and classroom procedures to be applied when teaching within a
CLIL model form part of the teaching and learning specifications of this curriculum.“

The key features of this learner-centered curriculum are as follows:
• Teachers are focused on what and how the students are learning, not on their
performance as a teacher or on specific facts to be transmitted.
• Teachers recognize that students learn in different ways and at different rates,
and that a personalized approach to teaching is needed.
• A positive learner attitude is the key to successful learning. Teachers seek to
involve learners affectively and psychologically as well as intellectually (Savignon,
• Learners need to develop their own personality English. Teachers respect this
personality and the personal feelings involved when learners express themselves.
The respect is increased when teachers focus on meaning as well as
form (Savignon, 2002).
• Learning is an active, dynamic process. It occurs more effectively when students
are actively involved, rather than passively receiving information.
• Teachers are committed to a constructivist approach by building upon knowledge
that the learners already know.
• Assessment is more formative than summative in nature. It provides the teacher
with frequent feedback, which will be used in order to shape and support future learning.

© 2019 Escuela Alejandro Cárdenas  |  Todos los derechos reservados. |  Diseñado Msc. Renato Guamán Ortega
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