Duolingo es una plataforma web creada en Estados Unidos destinada al aprendizaje gratuito de idiomas y a la certificación del nivel de inglés. PUEDES DESCARGARTE LA APLICACIÓN SOLO DANDO CLICK EN LA IMAGEN.
El Ministerio de Educación ha implementado varios recursos educativos tecnológicos al alcance de toda la comunidad educativa. Entre los cuales también se encuentran los MODULOS DE INGLÉS. PUEDES AVERIGUAR MAS SOLO DANDO CLICK EN LA IMAGEN.
Recursos Educativos
Learners can write questionnaires and surveys for peers and family using WH- questions in order to identify things in common and preferences, while demonstrating an ability to convey and organize information using facts and details in order to illustrate diverse patterns and structures in writing.
Language through the Arts
can work ingroups to create brainstorms and/ or draw mind maps to describe
and organize ideas or useful information from
literary texts and create collaborative responses to literature through process
writing groups or literature circles.
Spelling Bee
Students learn how to spell and learn around 200 words
Students can understand simple questions and instructions when teachers and other pupils speak very slowly and clearly; identify basic familiar words and phrases in a new piece of text; respond nonverbally to basic directions to a place nearby in the school when the other person supplements with signs or gestures; use simple phrases and sentences to describe where he/she lives and people he/she knows; write some words and short phrases independently.
(Listening and Speaking)
Learners can record and identify key information
from a spoken message of immediate need or interest when the message contains
frequently used expressions and visual support. (Example: rules for a game,
classroom instructions, a dialogue in a scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.)
Learners can use other classmate's contributions in class as models for their